Companies & Corporate Health Management

Corporate Health Management in Companies

Healthy employees – healthy balance sheets

In today’s diverse professional world, the pressure to perform, the drive to succeed and an utter lack of time often dictate daily work schedules. Amidst the onslaught of challenging demands and ever increasing commitments, finding a way to relax, recharge and regenerate is of (the) utmost importance.

Between taking days off, increased healthcare costs, and reduced productivity, a sickly workforce can really affect a company’s bottom line. Taking care of your employees is more than a paycheck and benefits. A comprehensive corporate wellness program like the brainLight relaxation systems, which facilitate a relaxed constitution in a matter of minutes, enable a company to give back to its employees while gaining a competitive edge in recruiting competent and highly skilled personnel.

Companies like Unilever, Siemens, BMW and Lufthansa have already recognized the potential of the brainLight-Systems and have implemented them into their respective corporate health management programs.

Small and medium-sized enterprises also benefit from investing in brainLight-Systems as the overall work climate as well as employees’ concentration and endurance levels will improve. Additionally, the systems can be used for employee training, productivity enhancement and can help to decrease the number of sick days and fluctuation rates.

brainLight systems offer:

  •    10-minute quality breaks to reduce stress levels
  •    Stress reduction while at work
  •    A positive outlook towards the work day