Support & Consulting

Corporate health management with brainLight: resources, resonance and resilience

The brainLight products support companies in achieving health-conscious and innovative business solutions

International trends such as globalization, individualization, digitalization and demographic change, are having significant repercussions on society at large, organizations and life as we know it. Globalization in particular implies many changes to the nature of work and organizations. A globalized market essentially dictates the way corporations think and therefore delineates how workers are treated.

Infusing health into an organization extends to providing a healthy work environment, both socially and individually, which in turn contributes to shaping the future of economic growth connected (rather than disconnected) to social welfare.

Changing demographics and an ever adjusting work-force have been expanding the focus of corporate health management programs beyond the realm of purely physical health statistics to helping individuals achieve all the elements of true health: physical, mental and social well-being.

Successful companies know that a happy employee is a productive employee. On top of that, an increasing amount of job seekers are paying attention to which companies “walk the talk” when it comes to addressing employee health. This makes health-conscious leadership and management one of the key skills of the 21st century.  The state of a company’s health management program has thus become a leading factor in determining corporate competitive strength and innovative capability.

brainLight specializes in creating healthy lifestyles and we will gladly assist you with your corporate health management endeavors. Our truly innovative relaxation programs bridge the gap between strategic thinking and implementation, thus providing your employee population with the tools for progressional health actions.